Teigue Kelly My Work


Metal-Fluid Heat Flow Simulator v0.5 (2025)

This is an app that creates a model of heat flow through a 1D strip made of two materials of differing thermal diffusivities using MATLAB's pdepe function. It can model said situation for any two materials, but it was created with nuclear reactors (specifically, zirconium fuel rods surrounded by water) in mind. I plan to eventually extrapolate this concept into 2D using MATLAB's PDE Modeler. Feel free to install and play around with it.

Writings and Presentations

LLW Disposal Process Description (2024)

Written for my technical writing class, this process description gives a rundown of radioactive waste classifications, methods of disposal, water storage, and other related topics. Its intended audience is your average concerned American citizen who doesn't know much about how nuclear waste is disposed.

Introduction to Nuclear Fission Slides (2024)

These slides were used as a visual aid for an informative presentation (~8 minutes) I gave in my public speaking class. I went over the basics of how nuclear energy is created. The speech covered discussed splitting of fissile materials, steam production, role of moderators, and the role of stators and rotors in function of turbines.

Why Are Nuclear Plants So Expensive, and What Should Be Done About It? (2023)

I wrote this paper for my freshman English class before COP23 and the nuclear resurgence we've experienced since. It poses the stagnation of the American nuclear energy industry before COP23 as partially a political and cultural problem that can be solved slowly through science communication.